Farmer are discourage to cultivate for cheap wages

Farmers are discouraged from cultivation as wages in every sector increase inflation. Whole day work and too hard work but as much as those wages not reduce their poverty. Farmers are unable to run his family members with this little money. There no food in their home. This feature is not only one village feature, it shows 64 districts chart.

Farmer are discourage about farming

Agricultural farmers looking for jobs and go to the main city to search for the highest paying job. District chairmen are under pressure for high price from the job. day by day increase living cost and at that moment is too tough maintain family easily.

Economic condition

Farmers are discouraged from growing food ,need to researching new food cultivation methods is not easy day by day. Our economic condition is not poverty is spread in every district in Bangladesh. Moreover, floods and disasters are the main  wellbeing of us every year. 2024 is a problematic year for the Bangladeshi people. Noakhali, Comilla, Rangamati, Sylhet are flooded and most of the people spend their life without any food or shelter.

Benefit for planting

In Bangladesh organic farming and cultural production will be better if farmer get good wages and proper benefit for planting. Our country called sonar Bangla and our soil is golden soil but some issue destructed our farming organic food. Everywhere must be establish awareness about cultivation food.

Industrialization revolution

For instance, we need motivation for the farmer. We should have increased export as like as garment sector. All of the people are encourage working in industry. Yes, it’s true, industrialize country can be development country but farming have to main stream in economic sector. A country with complete food security is considered developed country in the world. so we will not accept farmer are discourage.

Encourage for export

Crops export is the good motivation for the farmer. If increase export in farming sector it will be start new dimension in our country. Farmer will give full effort for growing capacity. We have to concentration our crops cultivation area. Those area will build our countries power. We will export our seasonal crops and vegetables in European country. That seems our farmer are not discouraged about cultivation.

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