Most 5 Organic Farming Can reduce Food Scarcity  

Is Organic Farming can reduce Food Scarcity? Yes it’s an important topic now a days. Because climate change, soil deterioration. It’s a big challenge to grow organic food. Individual person wants to grow organic food. Everywhere people are doing selfish work. But nobody knows if you want to happy so have spread happiness. Everyone are suffer from this food growing process. Try to thinking all over the world people . environmental policy related by the human nature . Human wellbeing is the main topic for us.

Oh, no we are not writing about philosophy .we have food scarcity, at that point we need also good health condition. That is why organic farming is the crucial importance of all people. we live in 20th century, we also update and digitalization in our livelihood .but this digitalization not help us to improve our honesty. Oh, it’s ok ..Lets discuss about increasing organic farming.

 What all subject or theory assists to grow organic farming everywhere?

Organic farming is called ecological farming. They are not use hybrid plants to grow food. Its natural system maintain while irrigation. Cultivation is long process it’s reelected by the heart. Allah gives us everything to do these cultivating plants. We have to be honest.

Different types of element for organic farming

Organic farming is the simple way for agriculture. Planting crops without hybrid seeds, use varmicompost for fertilizer, not use any chemical for reducing insecticide. varmicompost use cost so low . For this reason crops will buy consumer in low of cost. Below the show different types of organic farming elements.

Effective cropping systems: Organic food will cultivate rotation wise. In any fields must be use 3 or 5 times rotation wise. Sometimes grow corns, rice , wheat’s, potato , winter veggies different seasons rotation wage planting.

Pest control and protect the plants: pest control is the most crucial moment for cultivation organic farming. So we have to use organic medicine.

Uses of Vermicompost : Most of the main natural fertilizer is vemicompost . This fertilizer can make easily. In Bangladesh many district woman are starting this fertilizer making business.

Society awareness: Everywhere have to awareness growing organic food .Crop selling process: selling process will be wide and farmer will get actual value from this crops.

Agricultural subsidies: Government is main stream in any country. If any country government helps and loyal with this countries people this country will be haven. If we cultivate organic food and farmer wants to survive nicely that time needs agricultural subsidies.

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