Best Agriculture Subsidies Support For Cultivation 2024

Agriculture subsidies why need underdevelopment country? Everyone know about this topic? No , we are understand about this subject but , we are not careful about world situation. Every where starving is the main issue. In the world many country are suffering from starving. Nobody is not lead tranquil life. World are busy to fight for power. So people are hungry, children are die by starving and proper treatment.

Best Agriculture Subsidies Support For Cultivation 2024

Agriculture Subsidies Support

All of world has packaging food, but this food to help to go death day by day. There are plantation organic food but use hybrid way. Hybrid process is harmful for body and health. If we see in Bangladesh, here any people wants to buy some food but he have to pay more money, beside he found poison not food .because our cultivation process is not good and also use hydria process.

What are Agriculture subsidies?

When government paid incentive with farmer or agricultural organization, or different type of farming project for farmer cultivate organic food and gain profit from the consumer. In the underdeveloped country must need agricultural subsidies for survive farmer. They are motivated from the government to cultivate more organic food for our country.

Different type of Agriculture subsidies

In develop country give many types of support for farmer, they wants farmer not to leave this profession. So these countries government paid effective incentive for their country. In the below show different types of subsides for agriculture.

Organic farming: Organic farming is the best way to cultivate the crops. Here doesn’t use more chemical. Naturally grow the crops .If need any pest control so farmer use natural remedy for survive and protect the crops. Plantation is the patients work for farmer, so government if help to money supply or organic fertilizer for planting more crops, so it will be more easier way to grow organic food.

Diesel and fertilizer:

Agriculture insurance:

Risk mitigation:

Agricultural leveraging :

Export benefit :

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